Beliefs Can Change Your Life

Beliefs Can Change Your Life…

I wonder if you have these kind of thoughts sometime in your life; maybe now or at the past. ‘I am not brave enough. I am not good enough. I am not beautiful or handsome. I am not a relationship person. I am not capable of. This man or woman doesn’t like me because I am not in his/her status level. I will never reach my goal. I can’t be a happy person. Nobody loves me. I am so alone.’

Change Your Life

We can be attached to our beliefs that comes from past experiences, from collective mind, from culture, from our families, from our friends, from internet. Those beliefs can create false identity where we can be away from our centre, away from joy, love and peace.

A jar of water can be perceived as half full or half empty, according to the state of mind. When you see a jar half full, you feel grateful and happy that your jar is full. Even it is half full, that doesn’t have an effect on your happiness because it is full, there is water in it. If someone asks you if you can share that water, you can easily do. If you believe that jar is half empty, you feel depleted, you can have an urge to fill that jar. You become needy. If someone asks you if you can share it, you could easily say no and hesitate to share it.

Belief creates thought, thought creates emotions, emotions create action and our action influence result. 

Change Your Life

When you have a belief that you are not capable of creating a life you dream of, you won’t have that life. Because you limit yourself with a belief. When ever you want to achieve something to create this, there will be obstacles. In reality they are not obstacles, they are only the steps to move on. However, you can easily perceive them as obstacles and stop to go further.

Change Your Life

Because of old believes, you feel inadequate. As you feel not content, you could have pain by desiring things you do not have. Maybe you try to force things to happen. If there is something or someone blocking your path, because of the pain, you try to destroy them. You can’t perceive them as the gifts for you to go further for your dream.

Beliefs Can Change Your Life!

We are as humans always evolving. We are not the same person as we are yesterday. When we are at present, be at our centres, grounded, flexible, balanced, strong and focused, everything will be achieved. As we find contentment with what we have, we also find joy, love and peace. There is no need to force anything. There is plenty of everything for man kind in this universe.

With meditation and practicing yoga, you can let go old beliefs. Emotions created by negative beliefs stored in our hips. With the poses in yoga, you can take those emotions from your inner self and create space for yourself.

Change Your Life

When we identify the package of beliefs you are more than halfway to changing them. Of all these steps it is the shift in point of view that is the most critical, and most often overlooked. If the negative beliefs about ourselves come from others, they are actually assumptions. We often don’t really know what people are thinking. We usually make the assumption about what they think about us and then believe our assumption. Then our mind create the story (stories) that does not identify our true self. Each story is like a link in a chain. If we just break one link then they all lose power.

Change Your Life

People can change their ideas about ourselves in a second. Good, did you change with their opinions? We only feel a change when we change our belief about ourselves. When you become aware that you are not a mental concept in somebody else’s mind then the other beliefs start to fall apart as well.

You have to change your point of view in order to change a core belief. Change Your Life! Try something new. Maybe make new friends, explore new surroundings, find new things that create interest, find a new hobby… As through accepting ourselves as who we are and perceive through positive state of mind, then you become who you really are. Everyone in this universe is unique. You are the creator of your own universe, you are the universe itself.

Beliefs Can Change Your Life!



Bumerang - Yazarkafe

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